Our first annual HHD golf outing was a smashing success! Our goals were to have enough golfers to host the event, to run a smooth event so people return next year, and spread the word about Haven Homes of Detroit. Results are in, and all of the boxes have been checked!! We ended up with 75 golfers, and more than half of them were not familiar with Haven Homes of Detroit before attending our event. Besides some rain over lunch, we had a gorgeous day and people really enjoyed themselves and promised to return next year. Hats off to Fox Hills for helping us organize and run a very successful outing. Our total raised was just over $11,000 which was more than we hoped for with our first golf outing, and it will be used to rebuild our porch. A huge thanks to our corporate sponsors for the day and to Jeff Packer for hosting the lunch for us. Thank you to all the golfers; we can't wait to see you (and some new friends!) next year!!